new year fireworks

How to start the New Year in the best way!

 The best way to get what you want out of the coming year is to imagine yourself at the end of it having successfully accomplished what you wanted.

You can decide right here right now what you want for this year.

Make a list of everything you want to do differently. Write it, audio record it, film it, blog it, vlog it, draw it – even write a poem.

And, I’m not talking about just saying vague and general things like: “I want to stop drinking” or "I want to get fit". I’m talking about going into detail about how your life will be different when you have stopped drinking and are living your life in exactly the way that you want to. For instance, when I first stopped drinking it was things like:

  • I’ll wake up with a clear head
  • I’ll have bags of energy
  • I’ll enjoy spending time with family instead of getting impatient for drink o’clock
  • I’ll stick to commitments
  • I’ll be more productive
  • Instead of feeling ashamed, I’ll feel confident
  • I'll have freedom to drive wherever and whenever I want
  • I have more money
  • I'll be in control of what I eat
  • I'll be in control of my decisions
  • I'll communicate better with other people
  • I'll feel happier


How do YOU want to be different this year?

When you have made your list, just imagine yourself having reached the end of the year and having successfully achieved everything you set out to do.
Imagine what you’ll see, hear, feel, smell and taste differently…

What do you notice when you pinpoint a specific future situation and imagine yourself navigating it successfully in the way you want to?

When you use your imagination in this way, you convince your brain that something is possible and it becomes much easier to achieve it.

Even if you don’t fully believe that you can do this yet, you can allow yourself the freedom in your imagination to create a world where you can. This gets you thinking and feeling more positively as well as reprogramming parts of your brain and making success more likely.

I’m entering the new year in a quiet and sober way, but with big and positive plans for the rest of the year. I’m imagining myself:

  • fitter and healthier than ever – doing crazy hard-core high intensity workouts and running up mountains
  • eating more healthily
  • spending even more time with family and friends
  • dancing, going out and laughing more
  • spending more time outdoors
  • socialising more and getting involved in more local activities

Whatever your plans are, now you have committed to getting sober, you have just removed a huge barrier to achieving them. Without alcohol getting in the way, you have a green light to take your life in any direction you want. Even if you take a wrong turn here and there, you can still navigate toward your destination.

That’s why identifying your goals and thinking about what you want to have happened later in the year is so important. You can only get to where you want to go when you know where it is you want to go.

And, the start of a new year is a great time to be thinking about what you want and to get yourself into a positive mindset ready to enjoy the journey.

Happy New Year! 😊


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